meet Christin
I am 30- something years young. I was born in Germany but raised around the
world as a "Military Brat" with my father and mother. I have a 9 year old, Josiah & a 4 year old, Amiliana. We currently live in Virginia. I love the beach and the city, & since I'm near both, it's pretty exciting! I love finding great deals, and being a "fashionista" at times! I love finding DIY to make and usually failing. I have two companies that I have a passion for which are Thirty-One and Christin's Creations. I don't claim to be the best at anything but I'm here to take you on my journey through trail and error! I love making new friends & I hope you stick around!
I started blogging a few years ago and I stopped after Millie was about 6 months. I thought I would try to start blogging again this year and finally took the leap and here I am!
TWITTER - @LoveChristin_
meet Josiah
Josiah is 9 years old. He is a rambunctious, energetic, hyper, crazy, silly, little boy! He loves playing video games, or on his Ipad. He also loves the beach and Fortnite.
meet Amiliana
Millie for short, is 4 years old and loves playing with her baby alive dolls and happy meals. She is as snappy as can be. I call her my little sour patch kid!
She is obsessed with putting on dresses and having her hair in pig tails.
Hey! Thanks for coming over and seeing me! I hope we can keep in touch!
I know I just commented on your post today, but I just read this and have to comment again. I was born in Germany too! I was an army brat and my family landed in Virginia when my dad got out! What a coincidence!
I'm just now seeing this! that is a crazy coincidence!! I am following you now GFC.. hope to keep in touch! <3
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Funny, but I am guest blogging on "To the Sea"'s blog on Monday, and it is about growing up as an Army Brat :)I spent the best portion of my life in Germany :)
Make sure you check it out because there will be a giveaway!
Hey! love your blog alot! I've been all over it and its so colorful with lots of energy! Found you through the blog hop and i'm your new follower! come see me sometime!
What a cute little man you have! I'm your newest follower! Excited to read some more posts.
New follower from fri blog hop. i love your blog!
you can visit me at
new follower right hurr! i saw marcy post on IG about her guest vlog! so far, i am in love!
New follower via Aloha Friday hop,you have a beautiful blog...
Hi Christin! I found your blog today! Clicked your ad because of your SUPER CUTE title.
The first thing I read was your blurb about you & how you're "addicted to diet coke".
Did you know that "diet" coke actually makes you gain weight because your body can't process aspartame (the fake sugar used in diet coke) correctly?
Also, caffeine + aspartame combined kill your brain cells. Right before they die, there is a burst of "happy!!!" feeling which is what addicts you.
Please be careful what you drink!
your little man is adorable!
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