So in this post I will explain what bags & goodies we have packed for our kids and the adults on this 10, but really 13 hour CAR RIDE. And also What I forgot and meant to pack! ;)
Of course I got my bags from my 31 business ; I couldn't wait to share them!
Let's start with the newborn, she is fairly easy!
DIAPER BAG - OBVIOUSLY right? this should include your main everyday trip necessities, but packing it triple time for the whole 13 hours. If baby eats every 4 hours, you should probably pack about 3+ bottles and enough for formula and water bottles, etc. I would bring a whole package of diapers & wipes, since were not cloth diapering yet. Bibs, receiving blankets, and pacifiers.
TEETHING TOYS - Since I've been sewing, I have plenty of these laying around! (and this is one of the things I forgot, but momma didn't forget her sewing machine!)
VIDEOS & APPS - She is just like her brother when it comes to watching TV or watching something on the ipad.. Anything loud and colorful will get her attention. I love being able to let her watch these things AND Josiah actually come in a join her watching them! I LOVE that he is into all these baby shows instead of Spongebob (but that's for another post LOL)
DIY Paci Leash! (& Pacifier) - Even if you don't know how to sew, INVEST in one of these! Ask a friend, please! She loves this paci leash and EVERY ribbon on it! And obviously the pacifier is a must. Going through mountains will KILL your ears!
Now let's jump right into the BIG KID -
SNACKS!!! - I can't stress this one enough. Nobody wants to stop every 30 minutes! I think everyone can agree this is brilliant for road trips!
Travel with Lego's - I just used an old wipe case and put in the Lego's and it would be great for any trip!
Josiah's Big Brother bag - these are the things I would have liked to pack, but most didn't go in his bag and he really didn't do anything other then watch movies and playing on his Ipad... whomp I should have really known this was going to happen!!

On OUR trip, all they really did was watch t.v. eat and sleep. I was almost fully prepared this time! My kids were pretty easy to please. This was about 10 hour trip.
I also didn't get many pictures from the trip ... I drove most of the time, or was cranky from being tired LOL
How do you handle long car rides? and with kids?!
Keep up with me & Let me know your here!