This weeks goals;
2. WALK AROUND THE BLOCK 3X A WEEK - I am going to keep up with this. and try to do it even more then three times a week. I haven't gained much weight but I will soon, and I don't want to big as a house!
3. DON'T EAT OUT ALL WEEK - this ties into being getting as big as a house. but really I need to start saving more money as well.
4. GET BACK INTO COUPONING - I will always clip coupons and use them when in the grocery store. I might not be getting things for free but at least I'm saving .50 cents!!!
5. LOOK INTO LAPTOPS - I recently gave my mom my old laptop because her screen broke so now I want one that is little and light and fast! Any suggestions? (keep in mind, I'm broke) LOL
Mani Monday
Water Marbling with Wet N Wild - Club Havana
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