These colors are sure to brighten your day!
What you'll need
- paper plate
- coffee filters
- food coloring
- paint pallet
- paintbrushes
- newspapers (to protect your work surface)
- hole punch
- stapler
- ribbon for hanging
First we used the food coloring to make water paint in your paint pallet.
Josiah colored the coffee filters until he couldn't anymore..(this was a two day process since we needed about 16) We let them dry. It only took about an hour to fully dry.
He had a lot of fun mixing and making new colors.
After the filters are dry we cut the paper plate and punch holes. I punched four holes near each other to make a big hole.
You can either do this for your child or let him/her do this. I actually did this last and by that time Josiah's attention span was done. So I just finished this for him by scrunching the paper in the holes and stapling them in place.
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