Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's's the "Almost Friday" Thursday Blog Hop

 It's Almost Friday, and personally at this point maybe I should just stop celebrating Thursdays...I work every weekend anyways. yep C shift again this week. lol I'm at work bored, so i guess i can do my It's ok Thursday post with Amber @ Brunch with Amber & Neely @ A Complete waste of Make up 
Its Ok Thursdays
 it's ok.....
....that I painted my nails yesterday at work -- btw i love this color an IG friend sent me the other day all way from Canada! (my first) Barry M. "nude" trying to stop my consumption of fast food and as i'm typing it as one of my 5for FIVE goals, i order it anyways...smfh

....that im settling at my job, because i really hate starting at new places.

...that you lie to your 3 year old that RARELY eats hamburger meat, that it's bacon on bread                                                           BUAHAHA
 yeah buddy he tore that "bacon" up!

....that i can't decide whether to file my taxes online and get all my refund money, or at a car dealership (doubled) and have no extra money but have a brand new car~!! ughhh decisions decisions. damn being an adult! want to be 16 again. and go back to your bad girl ways {reow} & not have responsibilities (even though you love your son, Im jus sayin) LOL with that being said......

....It is throwback Thursday {and well} i'm in the mood to reminisce & show you baby pictures, NOT MINE THO.... my sons. so here they are ;)

{Josiah} born Nov. 17, 2009

first bath

first Christmas
duck face! lol

 put yo hands up again!


 his infamous look "the rock eye"

i could share soooooooo (and i'm not exaggerating!) many more pictures... and it was hard to stop and just these LOL  my baby was too damn cute!


get your party ON,  go over and follow these lovely ladies! And if your here from the blog hop, WELCOME!! =) 

If you love mustaches, crazy shit, honey boo boo, drunk everything, and a sucker for a  beautiful lady, you should stick around tomorrow I have a guest comin to take over my blog!!! and boy leme tell you how excited i am, i even wore my mustache shirt yesterday for HER!
&& if you are easily offended, by ANYTHING --- i wouldn't read !

well i'm out til Monday!