Thursday, October 2, 2014

Baby Sprinkle Wish List

So since I've already gotten everything big for my baby girl, I'm looking forward to having my Baby Sprinkle this month! 

This is to sprinkle her with love! 

Here is a list of things that I'm asking for on my baby registry! 

baby sprinkle registry list

  1. Diapers! - Not just newborn or size one, but all sizes. I asked up to size 5! Knowing what I know now about diapers, you use more of the bigger ones. The bigger the size of the diaper they start putting less in the box.....for the same price! I hated buying diapers when Josiah was in a size 3 and 4. I felt like I was buying them every week. This will hopefully eliminate that problem!  
  2. 46-Piece Essentials kit - I will NEED this in my house when I move. 
  3. Grooming Kit - I already have a lot of this at home as well, but I want it in PINK!!! 
  4. Batteries! - No matter what it is, it doesn't come with batteries! Everything now a days has to have them. 
  5. Pacis - I do want these. BUT only one pack. Because honestly going through this phase I can deal with out this time! Josiah was hard to break and he still sucks his damn thumb! 
  6. Hats & Mittens - We usually cut down nails like every other day, but these are definitely essential for us to have! Especially with baby being born in Winter. 
  7. Princess on Board - I JUST WANT THIS! 
  8. Desitin - baby and a rash = NO ONE is happy!! This big ol tub would be the ideal size that I need! 
  9. Bath Body sets - With two kids, this will get used up very fast. 
  10. Orajel - Every mother already knows that this is essential and if everyone bought this, I wouldn't even be mad! I need a lot of it! lol 

What did you have on your registry list?

Keep up with me & Let me know your here!