Tuesday, October 7, 2014

This weekend I...In Pictures

I'm at work and I want to write, so I'm going to tell you a little about my weekend, in {mostly} PICTURES!

I worked every night this weekend, so it was basically limited to me hanging out in the mornings.. 

I hate working weekends because I can never get done the things I want to do. It's also when my family and friends are off... While I'm stuck going to work! :X

He loves his sister ^_^ 

My mom got her organizing station in the mail !! My stepdad loved it too! See how you can get this set- up HERE

We went to some yard sales. 

Then we stopped by the Fall Festival in Newport News Park. 

Scared of the horse LOL 

He loved the cars, and the pumpkin on it ! 

LOL That is Josiah for ya! 

Joe was trying to get Josiah in there, but he wouldn't...

But he wanted one of these! I said no, and daddy gave him one anyways. 

He danced to the music

I found the bows ^_^

Finally, My favorite part..... 

Then I had to rush into work, that day I forgot everything. If my head wasn't attached I may have lost that too. This is how I went to work. 

How was your weekend? Do you work on the weekends too, how do you manage?!!

Keep up with me & Let me know your here!