Friday, April 12, 2013

tattoo regrets anyone?! ; backthatazzup

 The Dream - Shawty is a ten

 LMAO soooo Does anyone else have a tattoo that they regret ? Well I do and it's hilarious to say the least..

I don't really think that this song made me get the tattoo but it probably influenced it. When I was like 18 I loved The Dream. My best friend and I would literally ride around listening to his CD like it was going out of style. Even going to the damn club.. Have you ever heard "fast car" ?! 

I don't remember the exact date I got the tattoo, that's why I couldn't tell you if this song really influenced me to get it but it damn sure reminds me of it.. esp when I have to explain to someone (everyone) why the hell I have an X on my wrist...

I'm sure your all probably confused...So let me explain why I have an X . I wanted ten for the simple fact.. Everyone is a "ten" in there own way. Kind of like the song LOL Yeah...


I know & now I have to live with it for the rest of my life!

So this song today is dedicated to my stupid tattoo... That looks like a sword or a club  X on my wrist.

Anyone else want to share?

linking up today with
What Jean Likes - Aloha Friday Blog hop
Eccentric Delirium - It's Freakin' Friday 
Oh So Amelia - Friday Chaos Blog Hop 
The Pink Momma - Fun Friday Blog Hop 

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Anca said...

:)) This is why I do not have yet a tattoo..I just can not decide what I want, I get bored often so I am afraid I will make one and then I will note like it :D
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