Thursday, March 27, 2014

Weigh In Thursday

So last week I decided not to do another link up because it is just too much work for me to do and no one Links up anyways!! LOL 

You are more then welcome to share your Weigh In Wednesdays with me though! I will also keep linking up with the lovely fitness blondie as well. 

So here it is....

Last week I measured ;
  • BUST- 35
  • HIPS- 40
  • WAIST- 32
  • THIGHS- 41

This week I am measuring ;
  • BUST- 35
  • HIPS- 40
  • WAIST- 32
  • THIGHS- 41
  • WEIGHT-154
I am down 4 pounds since the last time I weighed in, which was more then two weeks ago!! I haven't been on a strict menu or working out! I just pick the right foods (for the most part) and the right amount of foods. Ok Sometimes I still pig out.. at least that once a month.. ladies you know what I'm talking about !

I did however spend two hours in the gym yesterday and it felt so great! If you have me on your facebook news feed you'll know that an hour of that I was in the shower. -_- haha 

 I would love to hear about your week. Let me know how your doing on facebook or send me a shout out on twitter!


Keep up with me & Let me know your here!