Baby is size of a Pomegranate
Through the night I am still having leg cramps. Mainly while stretching. I don't know why I have to stretch so much but every time I do.. I pull my hamstring!
I have been craving anything sweet. Or salty. Anything that's not green or orange, honestly =\
Maternity Clothes
I have been buying a lot of clothes second hand and on sale at Kohl's. Joe bought be a maternity shirt that I just absolutely LOVE! I'll be sure to post it on instagram or facebook!
Weight gain
Last week I stepped on the scale and it said I was 169. Which exceeded the amount I was suppose to be gaining. This morning right after waking up I got on it and it said I was 166.5. Now that is a normal weight gain. About 15 pounds in 23 weeks.
I haven't been working out but I have been walking around a lot. Taking Josiah any where is exercise. I have thought a lot about starting some sort of exercise when I get about 30 weeks.
Stretch Marks
I have had stretch marks since Josiah. I feel like I probably have gotten more this pregnancy, but I didn't record it, so I'm not too sure but right now I have been using ItWorks Stretch Mark cream, I will be sure to post about that asap too! (I'll have a giveaway for a wrap too!)
She is still moving ALL day long! I am very nervous about her hours! I feel her up all through the night and she is pretty quite during the noon and evening time. -_- I'm going to have a lot of work on my hands! I will probably have to find a night job!!!
Labor Signs
No and I hope not until full term!
We found out HERE what we were having! & I'm still so excited about it. I see anything girly and I want it! but I can't forget I still have a 4 year old to buy for! lol
Belly button in or out?
Still in.
I haven't been looking any more because the budget is on a limit right now, I will look more next week!
Doc Appointment
Since my last posts I have obviously had many appointments. My recent ones were ultrasounds. I am so blessed to have seen her so many times this pregnancy! Baby weighs 13.3 oz and everything looked good!
Also I caught the baby moving! Check it out on my facebook page!!
Keep up with me & Let me know your here!
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