baby is the size of an Ear of a Corn.
I couldn't get a good picture of myself today, but next week I'll have one!! ;)
As we bring the last week of August, I decided to share my ideas for my baby sprinkle!
So I have had this planned since FOR EVER. I got the idea off of, where else, Pinterest!! I knew I had everything from Josiah so I didn't really need the big items that you normally get your first pregnancy. BUT this time I'm having a GIRL! AND who doesn't LOVE to shop for a girl!!
I had just posted my Baby Wish List when I got mostly everything I needed for this baby. Not exactly what I wanted but, it's PINK! LOL (I will post an update on everything I have soon!)
I have noticed it is not as uncommon as I thought it would be! Even Babies 'R Us, has Baby Sprinkle Ideas on there site. The point of the Baby Sprinkle is a lighter version of the "Baby Shower". For repeat mother's that have everything on the traditional baby registries and just want to have a gathering for little things they may need for the pregnancy or baby. They are becoming very popular for second and third babies.
So these are the ideas I got off of my Pinterest board. I was having two of my best friends throw this baby sprinkle for me, BUT I didn't want to KILL them with my demands! So I'm throwing it myself. I'm doing EVERYTHING. and that may seem like too much, but I love the idea!
the Drink station is a must! ;

I love this too!

Decorations will be the hardest part! ;
I want to make them myself =P


Every one loves Party Favors!


Food {More Like Deserts} ;
I didn't want to make full meals, this part should be fairly easy!




And course what would my baby sprinkle be without CUPCAKES!!


Have you ever heard of a baby sprinkle? Have you had one or been to one?!
Keep up with me & Let me know your here!
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