Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Social

Social Sunday

1. What are you most looking forward to about Fall?
The crafts!! I can't wait to do all the crafts on my Pinterest board! ALSO starting to sell Thirty-One! I can't wait to see how many sales I get. Which I'm hoping to be a lot as I'm trying to get some extra income for when I go on maternity leave! 

Guess what? We've got 100  Items for $20 or less!
2. What is your favorite sports team?
I don't have one, I like to say that I'm a fan of the Saints though! especially since I have the Fleur de lis tattooed on the back of my leg  ;)

3. If you could go back to college is there one thing you would change?
Wellll I didn't go to college. But I am thinking hard about starting soon. I need to find a career!

4. What was your favorite class you ever took? HS or College.
I didn't like high school very much so to say the least I would have to say Gym or my computer classes. LOL 

5. Reach into your purse what is the first thing you grab?
Don't you just love my new purse!!! I got it for my birthday

That would be my cell phone. We can't live with out that right?!

Next week’s questions
1. What is one thing you hate doing?

2. What is one thing you hate shopping for?
3. What is one thing you love doing?
4. What is one place you love going?
5. What is your favorite thing to do that you do daily?

Keep up with me & Let me know your here!