Baby is size of a Zucchini Today!
I will take an updated picture this afternoon because I'm at work and too impatient to not post this! I've also added a few new headings this week, Check them out! =)
Hair loss is a BIG one! When I wash my hair normally it falls out but right now it's 10 times worse. I'm an emotional wreck. I am totally stressing everything out. I'm trying not to but I am! HEARTBURN is back! A LOT of back pain & Braxton Hicks! I have been feeling it for about a week now. Every morning while I'm at work, I have to sit down now or I feel like I'm going to just pop this baby out! =|
I have had the pregnancy pillow (actually two) for a while now. But at this point I don't really use it and maybe I should. I am having trouble sleeping through the night because I'm trying to get comfortable. I have been getting cramps in my stomach from tossing and turning in the middle of the night. And OF COURSE I have been getting up in the middle of the night to go to the little girls room since I was like 4 weeks along! And that's not even sarcasm!! It might be the way she positioned because she is very low still.
CravingsAgain everything but nothing healthy! I've been trying to get myself to stop eating the junk and it's so hard.
Maternity Clothes
Since I've been buying I have been wearing them! The shirt I'll be wearing today is the teal one (pictured). Joe bought it for me a couple weeks ago for my birthday & I absolutely love it! I got about 10 used pants & a few shirts from people online, spending about 60. I also bought 2 pants and the other shirt pictured for about 40. at Kohl's. I never thought I'd spend this much money because with Josiah. I literally didn't buy but 2 things. With him I wore nothing but leggings and scrubs (because I worked as an orthodontic lab technician back then) I want to be cute + comfortable this time! Especially since I'm documenting everything I possibly can!
Weight gain
I weighed in this morning at 173!!! =(
Still doing the same things, walking around & chasing after Josiah. Hopefully going to do more in the weeks coming up.
Stretch Marks
I already had Stretch marks but I've been using the It Works Stretch mark cream along with my Cocoa Butter and Bio Oil to see about not getting more stretch marks.. There will be a giveaway soon for ItWorks Wrap so keep in touch !
I'm still feeling her like crazy! It's a wonderful, yet weird experience.. that I kind of feel bad that I don't remember this much movement with Josiah. I found out early in this pregnancy but I didn't really log anything until I told everyone around 18 weeks. I'm so happy to be logging it this time!
Labor Signs
The only thing is Braxton Hicks & I want that to go away!
We found out HERE what we were having! & I'm still so excited about it!
Baby Names
I'm still leaning towards Amillie, but I'm still getting the same reaction from friends. AND it's not good. Josiah is has already kind of gotten use to the name, as he would call her "Millie". <3 I also am kind of growing on Amelia. Who knew this would be this tough!
Here is the list. STILL ...
Belly button in or out?
Still in. BUT it looks like it's gona poke out at any minute!!
Rings on or off?
My rings are still on! I did have a problem one day this past week when it was hot outside but, other then that, they are still on!
NurseryI have been looking on Pinterest for more nursery's. I also wrote a post about my Baby Girl Nursery Inspiration. I can't tell you how much I want to have four bedroom house of my own to have every one in their own rooms and decorate like I want! But I know it takes time to get that far ahead. I'm just patiently waiting! I'm still looking at the same design so there's not much to it.

Doc Appointment
I had a appointment On August 26th. I was 1 day shy of 24 weeks. They told me that the baby was measuring on the small side. it wasn't anything to be concerned about though. I did the next day go back because my mom and aunt were freaking out about.. (my possibly leaking) I went to the doctor to get it checked out but they said that everything was fine. They looked...I looked too ;) .. at the hand held ultrasound of baby girl and saw that all the amniotic fluid was still there. No pictures this time, But I hope to get another 3d & 4d ultrasound around 30 weeks.
I feel like time is flying one minute but I also feel like I should be done with this pregnancy by now! Finding out the day it happens can be NO fun.
When did you find out that you were expecting?
Keep up with me & Let me know your here!
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