5 Things you want us to know about you
- I have a 4 year old, HE is turning 21 in November and I am pregnant with my second. SHE is due December 17th!
- I don't really have a favorite anything, I'm so easy to please.. I love all the colors, I love every kind and type of food, I really do just love everything! (well not really everything but you get my point, I think lol)
- I like to start projects & then I either get lazy or most of the time forget to finish them!
- My favorite TV Shows are CSI, SVU, Revenge, & Vampire Diaries.
- I was born in Germany and I have a Green Card.
5 Favorite things about blogging
- I love getting to meet a lot of new bloggers!
- I also enjoy the "me time"
- I love reading every ones posts
- I really really enjoy Link Up Parties
- I love all of the great ideas!
5 Things you are doing before the year is over
- For one, I'm having a baby!!! hahaha
- Get Thomas back out! & actually find him this year!
- Go to the circus again! Josiah had a blast but this time he wants to bring his nana! And she has never been. I can't wait!
- Make a BIGGER Ginger Bread house/ or whatever it may be
- Decorations!!!!! I'm so ready and I can't wait!
5 Favorite Fall Fashion Staples
- I actually just wrote a post about this!(It'll be live this week) A lot of things would be the same as last year but because I'm pregnant, obviously maternity jeans are a must!
- Any shirt that is loose
- Cardigans & Scarfs
- Ballet flats
- And maxi dresses!
5 Favorite beauty products
- Ulta Eyeliner {1}
- Boi-ing concealer {3}
- Sephora mattifying foundation {4}
- CARMEX {5}
- L'Oreal B.B. cream {7}
Keep up with me & Let me know your here!
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