I know I know, I'm too old (27 isn't really that old) to be getting gifts still.... but its a tradition in our house to actually have a huge Christmas. I hope this continues til I'm at least 40! hahaha The adults usually buy each other 2-4 presents. Doesn't have to be huge, and more then likely no one asks for anything like crazy big.
This year, I am getting my self the Canon EOS Rebel T5 from Walmart.... on Black Friday ... dun dun dun!

Yes I am going to go out in the madness! I know I'm crazy for that too. and I work the next morning but oh well. I think I am used to working with no sleep right now. AND at least someone will be working with me so I don't have to do everything. I am going to buy this for MYSELF. More for the baby, because she and Josiah are about to be my models. Mommy needs money!
1. Boots ; I always have boots, I have like 20 pair at home, but these.. I love them! You can wear them two ways and I really can't wait to be in my pre-pregnancy clothes and just wearing what I want!! These run about $20-50 dollars on sale!
2. Curling Iron ; I know this can be found at simple stores, but since it's Christmas time, why not ask someone else for it???!!! I had a favorite curling iron and I can't find it. It just disappeared. It will probably come up when I get this new one. This curling Iron is very similar to the one I had, and I absolutely loved it! You can also get this at Kohl's for about $21.00
3. Pandora Charm ; Since baby girl will arrive in December (or at least that is the plan) The pictured charm costs $65 at the Pandora store.
4. Sewing machine ; I want to make baby girl some things. And if I'm really good and have time I plan to probably sell things. Bibs to even cloth diapers! Wish me luck! On sale this can run for about $39!! (that is actually black Friday deals LOL)
5. Sewing Class! ; I can't have the sewing machine and not a formal class, right?! Classes are about $85 for about 8 group sessions. Which I think is a steal!!
6. Car seat Caboodle ; I get emails for these things all the time. I have a few things at home from Mother Lounge and I also have shared a few coupon discounts with y'all. I can get this for $50! HERE with the code "ThankyouCC"
There are some other things, I had asked for..
Like this Pandora Charm
Joe actually bought this for me a few days ago. It means Guardian Angel & I really love it. It represents my miscarriage with baby Elijah I had last year.
While we were there, we looked at charms for baby girl's birth stone. I love the color! I can't wait to by a lot of it. He also knew I had been wanting a necklace for a while, so I think he is going to pick that up for me too. He has never been so good at surprises. LOL We go through this every year.
I also asked for some tights, and long sweaters things like that!
What did you ask for? Is it a list like mine, more expensive or am I asking for too much?!
Keep up with me & Let me know your here!
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