It's already November! Some days the time flies, and some days they draaagg! I'm just thankful to be here, to be this far along in my pregnancy, and to have my family! I'm so blessed ya'll !!! Today is also my "stepson" birthday!! He is the big 1-3 today!!! I am not married, but might as well be as long as we've been together. (around 6, 7, or 8 years) I lost count. Anyways! So Happy Birthday to him!
This weekend went by pretty fast. Halloween was good, the hospital tour went great, my second baby shower not so much but who cares. I'm over it. At least the part about
How was your weekend?!! I'll start this post by sharing my pictures!
I shared my post about my DIY Halloween round ups
Then it was time for Halloween, This was my woody =) He really wanted to be superman, batman, and a ninja turtle. The list can go on, but my stepdad bought this at a yard sale, and that was that! LOL
*Proud mommy*
Then this was his reaction to everyone dressing up!
Grandma was Dr Pork Chop HAHA
One thing Josiah did like was his bag! Yes It was a special from Thirty-One!
Josiah was terrified of everything that night, I mean everything!
Cartier Josiah's cousin came along with us!
NOW we move on to Weekly Wishes!!!
Last week's wishes;
1. GET BUSINESS CARDS OUT- I finally got them out! I mean like just ten minutes ago the post man came to the hotel and picked them up ;)
Let's just hope that'll stir the pot a little and have people call for bookings!
Christmas is right around the corner people!!!!
2. ORDER MY ROLLING WEEKENDER! - At whatever cost, I will get my bag so I can have it all packed and ready to go!! I got it for so cheap, I'm super excited to get the package!
3. GET READY FOR THE NEXT BABY SHOWER "COOKOUT" - Yep, and only one person showed up.... nice right?! It was his brother, and even he was an hour late. I'm not even going to get into that subject. It won't ever happen again, any of it!
4. GET DIAPER BAG READY - I think for the most part I've gotten her bag ready!! I'll make a post about it soon!
5. GET ALL MY DRAFT POSTS OUT - This is includes all of the crafts and DIY posts, also the posts about Josiah's Gift Guide.
6. FIND A COSTUME! - I went a head and paid for our cutomes. I didn't want to but I wanted to surprise Josiah. AND HE LOVED IT!
8. GET READY FOR MY 31 PARTY!!! - I am still trying. I did get some wine & chocolate (not just from Halloween) Only two people RSVP'd so far, so I won't jump the gun and buy anymore right now.
This Week's Wishes;
1. GET JOSIAH'S INVITATION OUT & BLOG POST ABOUT IT - It's two weeks away. I've NEVER sent out invites through the mail, but since someone don't use Facebook, I guess I have to invite them this way.
2. GET READY FOR MY WINE, CHOCOLATE & BAG PARTY - I have sent out some invites, like real ones. I know I can't believe it either. I bought some wine! ^_^ I think I might even have a sip. OK AT LEAST CAN I SMELL IT?! I really need to just gather all my bags to show. Hopefully they will buy something! and maybe you can help too? the link is at the end of this post :)
3. GET MY NAILS DONE - I need a spa day anyways before this baby comes! so I'm going to get our feet done! (Joe and mine)
4. GET A SEWING MACHINE - I don't even care anymore. I want to learn how to sew. I want to make my babies bibs and crib bumper!
5. FIND THE BEST DEAL ON BIO OIL - I need to lather up again!! :,(
6. GO TO THE PUMPKIN PATCH - yes I realize I'm late. We only went to one and daddy didn't get to go with us. I bought a groupon for one nearby and it expires November 9th, yeah Let me NOT waste 33 bucks!!!
I know that's a lot of crap for one week, I don't even know how I'm going to get anything done working all 3pm-11pm for the rest of the week. including Friday night and Saturday night! UGHH I'm sure I'm also missing a few things, but oh well I am done boring ya'll, Have a great week !!
YOU can help me reach my goal of $200, by ordering from my Thirty-One event!! It will end on the November the 16th. So that gives everyone time to order! Under Wine, Chocolate & Bag Party!
Keep up with me & Let me know your here!
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