I'm at work, overnight shift, of course. I'm drinking my Monster, about to eat my salad and work out..Oh and then do some work....lol
This weeks goals ;
1. FIND MY GREEN CARD - I didn't find it, but I did find a copy, for my mom..Unless I want to stick with my dead-end stress-full for no reason job, I guess I have no choice but to pay for a new one..woopity doo
2. PAY MY CAR LOAN - I haven't gotten around to this, cause people owe me money, & it's not due til next week so this can be my goal for next week lol
3. PREP MEALS FOR THE WEEK - I was off last Monday thru Wednesday so I basically didn't prep my meals then but I still on track (sort of) and prepped my meals for Thursday thru Sunday
4. CONTINUE MY REVOLT JOURNEY - I prepped my meals, I've been laying off Bread, chips, blah blah blah sticking to meat and veggies every day and eggs for breakfast or dinner.. and I worked out enough to make up for the days I was suppose to work out! (working overnight shift has this advantage!) but I still haven't lost much weight.
5. DO A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS - I left some money on a vending machine...
Goals for next week ;
1. GET MY BUDGET PLAN BACK IN ORDER - i slipped up on doing my monthly budget I do when I'm at work but money is tight since having to pay for that green card. nothing too much just finding out what's due, and when, and yeah...ya know grown up stuff
2. PAY MY CAR LOAN & EVERY OTHER BILL DUE THIS WEEK - lol yes I need this reminder haha
3. PAY FOR MY GREEN CARD - I keep putting it off, but I've got to do it... fuck it i'll take my loss, just like any other time bad luck seems to roll up on me!
4. SKIP MY JULEP FOR THIS MONTH - $20.00 for nail polish just isn't in the budget this month!
6. SIGN UP FOR THE GYM - yes although nail polish isn't in the budget, my working out is! I am determined to lose weight for the summer... so I can be in my two piece without shorts on!!!!!! plus it's only $20 a month. I can't wait to workout today! I think I might be addicted already, or would it be obsessed? hmmm
moved on into bloglovin... so follow me there!!! =)
hopefully GFC won't go anywhere but if it does, I'm ready!

1. FIND MY GREEN CARD - I didn't find it, but I did find a copy, for my mom..Unless I want to stick with my dead-end stress-full for no reason job, I guess I have no choice but to pay for a new one..woopity doo
2. PAY MY CAR LOAN - I haven't gotten around to this, cause people owe me money, & it's not due til next week so this can be my goal for next week lol
3. PREP MEALS FOR THE WEEK - I was off last Monday thru Wednesday so I basically didn't prep my meals then but I still on track (sort of) and prepped my meals for Thursday thru Sunday
4. CONTINUE MY REVOLT JOURNEY - I prepped my meals, I've been laying off Bread, chips, blah blah blah sticking to meat and veggies every day and eggs for breakfast or dinner.. and I worked out enough to make up for the days I was suppose to work out! (working overnight shift has this advantage!) but I still haven't lost much weight.
5. DO A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS - I left some money on a vending machine...
Goals for next week ;
1. GET MY BUDGET PLAN BACK IN ORDER - i slipped up on doing my monthly budget I do when I'm at work but money is tight since having to pay for that green card. nothing too much just finding out what's due, and when, and yeah...ya know grown up stuff
2. PAY MY CAR LOAN & EVERY OTHER BILL DUE THIS WEEK - lol yes I need this reminder haha
3. PAY FOR MY GREEN CARD - I keep putting it off, but I've got to do it... fuck it i'll take my loss, just like any other time bad luck seems to roll up on me!
4. SKIP MY JULEP FOR THIS MONTH - $20.00 for nail polish just isn't in the budget this month!
6. SIGN UP FOR THE GYM - yes although nail polish isn't in the budget, my working out is! I am determined to lose weight for the summer... so I can be in my two piece without shorts on!!!!!! plus it's only $20 a month. I can't wait to workout today! I think I might be addicted already, or would it be obsessed? hmmm
This weekend I...

moved on into bloglovin... so follow me there!!! =)
hopefully GFC won't go anywhere but if it does, I'm ready!
found these glasses at Wal-Mart for $5!
lol had to have them
I worked ...so I drank
(you see that healthy shit in the back tho right?!)
lol & that was my weekend..
Now it's Monday.. when I get off I'll have the day off with a shit ton to do. pay for green card, get mail out, call Busch Gardens to switch my card, sign Josiah up for Busch Gardens pass, get all my food prepped for the week(maybe a trip to cosco?), work out... i feel like I'm forgetting something.. ugh whatever ! Have a great day yall!
That little guy is adorable! I wanted to name my youngest Josiah! I love that name. Best of luck with the gym! Get it girl!
Found you through the GFC blog hop. I can not wait to get to know you more.
On mondays I host a Makeup link up. Come over if you are interested! We would love to have you.
ugh anything budget related is NO fun!!!
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