Today I'm here today to tell you about my revolt journey. I will be linking up every Saturday for the next 6 weeks. (at the least) with Jill @ Forever the Brave. If you don't know what the whole revolt rage is about you can check out my recent post about it HERE.
Everyone that knows me, knows that working out and meal planning is "not my thing"... But when someone offers your free meals plans and free workout plans for 6 weeks, who wouldn't take that?!
This past 2 weeks have been like hell! lol I just wanted to get that out! I love my donuts, chips, and coffee creamer! The first week was the "Sugar Detox". I did have one creamer in my coffee every morning because I sometimes have to stay up for 48 hours and I NEED my coffee, and black coffee is just something I CANNOT do! Although this week hasn't been so bad as far as the meal plan, I still haven't eaten any sweets, in place of dessert I eat a cutie or pistachios (since I have recently become addicted to both)
Every Saturday is my free day, but since I have cheated a little through-out the last two weeks as far as the creamer goes (& bites of Josiah's chicken nugget).... I will not be using these days to my advantage! OKAY! maybe I WILL! hahaha I even vowed to workout on the "rest days". Yes we have two rest days a week, but I have chosen to work out a minimal of 30 minutes those days as well. Since I plan on getting my gym membership next week. I'm going to make it into my daily routine from now on.
eww...i also found like butt sweat?!?!?!? LMAO!
My starting weight as of Sunday March 2nd 2013, was 157. Last week the 9th I weighed 154, lost a total of 3 lbs. Remind you that was "detox week". This week I might have gained 1lb back....sooo that's 2lbs in two weeks.. not like other woman have been doing but, good enough for me?! I plan on keeping this up. my life style will be for ever changed! Less Sodas & sweets and more least that's the plan & we all know how plans go!!! lol Hopefully I can keep up with Nichole and her workouts!
Now is the perfect time to join me and hundreds of other people on this adventure to get fit and healthy!
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